Sunday, March 17, 2024


"Our future's so bright, we should wear shades" learn more about the latest Update General How the platform works? How to get started? How to verify my email address? What are communities and how do they work? How do I search for musicians? How do I upload a song? Can I upload cover songs on my profile? What is the size of the cover image on a profile? What is the size of the profile picture on a profile? What are the storage limits? What music files are allowed for uploading? How can I create a band page? Does Drooble own the right to the music I upload? How can I get involved as a volunteer? How can I invite people to join the community? Is there a mobile app available on the App/Play store? I created my profile with Facebook login but I want to set a password, how can I do that? How may I report a bug? Your song is sent for review to Drooble Team. It can be because In order for your music to be streaming on the Drooble radio it has to cover the following requirements Karma Points, Promotion Tools, Drooble Radio Search help... How the platform works? Start interesting discussions, help others by answering their questions and giving feedback to their music and earn karma points. Use karma points to promote your music! Drooble is about connecting musicians so that they can help each other. It’s not a self-promotion space like most networks for musicians. Give feedback, join discussions in our various communities and share your experience. The more you contribute, the more karma you get. With karma you can promote your music in and outside Drooble, just choose the promotional tools that fit your needs - get additional radio plays, get featured on the Drooble newsfeed, have an interview with you published on our Music blog - and many more! How to get started? By helping others, you receive what you get ; ), meaning you can now choose some of the bigger featuring options: EPK or Blog interview for external promotion or Song/Video of the Week on Drooble. Scroll down through the Newsfeed and try to help and share some of your knowledge, which will help others looking for such. Thus, your karma score will go higher. Upload some of your music to Drooble. It is automatically streamed to Drooble Radio. You can order additional radio plays (100 karma per song) which will help you earn more traction. Meanwhile, if you have some useful tips you can share them as well. If others find them useful, you can earn even more karma points. join here Click Now

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